Go to Bismarckhöhe by funicular railway

One of the steepest in the world

Technical Data


Funicular railway with two cabins operating as a shuttle service.
Difference in elevation: 132 meters
Maximum acclivity: 78% = 38°

~15 km/h (max. 4m/s)

Capacity: 20 persons/cabin
Rails on a steel structure based on 21 foundations. At the midpoint of the track there is a switch where the two cabins can pass each other.
Electric motor 80 kW
Manufacturer: PHB Weserhütte AG, D/Cologne
Garaventa AG, CH/Thun

Staatsbad Bad EMS

Contact us

We will be pleased to care about any issues you might have. Please do not hesitate to contact us

+49 (0)2603/973-0
Römerstraße 8,

D-56130 Bad Ems


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