Go To Bismarckhöhe by funicular railway Logo Staatsbad Bad Ems

One of the steepest in the world

About Us

Kurwald Mountain Railway

Cable railway Kurwaldbahn Bad Ems

The health resort areas Bismarckhöhe and the historical one in the valley are separated by a distance of more than 150 metres. All those who want to overcome the difference in altitude on the shortest way go by the cable railway Kurwaldbahn which is an affiliated company of the organisation Staatsbad Bad Ems GmbH. This state-of-the-art funicular railway is one of the steepest in the world. This environmentally friendly means for transporting people can transport up to 20 people in each of the two cabins, which meet half way on the deep slope. The exact difference in altitude between the stations on top and in the valley is 132 metres and the cabins cover this distance in less than two minutes, operating every seven minutes MO to FR from 6.15 h in the morning to 21.00 h  in the evening, SA/SO/public holidays from 09.00 h in the morning to 22.00 h in the evening.


“Enjoy the magnificent panorama over the city area – even in the dark.”


Timetable Prices
Mo.-Fr. from 06.15 h to 21.00 h * – Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays from 09.00 to 22.00 h.

Extra tours/event tours as agreed

Single trip 3.50 Euros
Wednesdays: No operation from 10.00 h to 11.00 h
Two-way trip/ascent and descent 6.00 Euros
*The last cable railway goes five minutes before closing! Ticket for 10 trips 25.00 Euros
Children up to the age of 10 years have free travel. No further exemptions from transportation fees are granted. Ticket for four weeks 40.00 Euros
Bicycles cannot be transported for security reasons. Ticket for one year 100.00 Euros
         (Please select the appropriate ticket at the ticket machine) Group ticket (5 people) 15.00 Euros
(Subject to change!) Group ticket (15 people) 50.00 Euros
Current information:

The operation of the Kurwaldbahn is subject to the provisions of the current Corona Control Ordinance of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate (Link), as well as the safety and hygiene measures currently applicable for public transport.

Safety and hygiene measures:

– A maximum of 20 people per cabin / trip

– Cycle time 7 minutes

– Mouth and nose protection (FFP2 or med. comparable) must be worn in the entire mountain and valley station and in both cabins

– Means for hand disinfection are available at the stations.

Infection Protection Act § 28 b:

In the case of the transport of persons by public transport, including school transport, passengers are obliged to wear a respirator (FFP2 or comparable) both during transport and during their stay in an institution belonging to the respective transport.

Exceptions: children who have not yet reached the age of six and persons with a corresponding medical certificate.

Control/Checks: Random verification checks are carried out.

Status: 23.06.2022


The park of the health resort

Oases of relexation

What do Central Park, Hydepark or English Garden in New York, London and Munich have in common? They are all unique green havens of relaxation and deceleration amid vibrant and busy metropolises. On a smaller scale, this is also true for the park in the heart of Bad Ems. The organisation Staatsbad Bad Ems GmbH presents to the guests not only the English and the French parts located in the valley but also the large park at Bismarckhöhe above the city roofs around the local medical centre.


    Mineral springs in Bad Ems

    The elexir of live

    Everybody knows the Emser Pastille®. They are produced from the mineral-rich thermal spring water and this valuable natural resource is the basis for many further products, for which the organisation Staatsbad Bad Ems GmbH is the licenser and the raw-material supplier at the same time. The organisation operates extensive pumping and conveying systems with the associated distribution networks. The hot water of the spring Robert-Krampe-Sprudel flows for example by pipeline to the bath Emser Therme where its visitors enjoy the warm water.  The large amount of available heat is also used for energy purposes.

        Marble Hall, Kurtheater und Park Stage

        Unique and stilish

        In the past there were elegant balls and theatre performances with international stars that filled the complex of buildings with life. The today’s glamour is often produced by the guests themselves, for example when wedding couples celebrate their most wonderful day in their lives in the Marble Hall in an unparalleled ambience. Apart from the Marble Hall as showpiece, the organisation Staatsbad Bad Ems GmbH offers different halls and the beautiful lounge for almost any kind of events of various sizes: not only family celebrations but also conferences, company anniversaries and complete fairs. The SBBE team makes it happen.


          Cable railway Kurwaldbahn

          Go to Bismarckhöhe by funicular railway! Wonderful hiking paths, panoramic long-distance views and wonderful health resort parks in a beautiful location! You can explore pure nature, Nordic walking courses and a playground for children.

          Marble Hall

          In the past there were elegant balls, today’s glamour is often produced by the guests themselves, for example when wedding couples celebrate their most wonderful day in their lives in the Marble Hall in an unparalleled ambience. Apart

          Emser Kränchen®
          Table water

          The high content of hydrogen carbonate (2,062 mg/l) determines the very rich, savoury taste of the water. Goes perfectly with fine dishes and wines.



          Current and further information about the Bad Ems KaiserCard, your exclusive health-resort visitor’s pass and the obligation to pay tourist tax can be obtained from the organisation Staatsbad Bad Ems GmbH or from your accommodation provider.

          Staatsbad Bad EMS

          Contact us

          We will be pleased to care about any issues you might have. Please do not hesitate to contact us

          +49 (0)2603/973-0
          Römerstraße 8,

          D-56130 Bad Ems


          9 + 5 =